develop a Master Map of life
We want to help people live more fulfilling & Meaningful life so that they can thrive personally and professionally. And we believe that it all starts with a personal vision.
Map Template
For those who do not wish to take the live, instructor-led course can simply use the map template that comes with all editions of MindMapper software. It’s built into the Plan tab where you can select the Master Map, Vision, and Life Plan templates. After filling out the master map, you also have an option to schedule coaching calls to debrief, review, and explore your life’s calling.
online class
This 2.5-hour online session is designed for those who want to live a fulfilling, meaningful life by discovering their personal dreams and visions that can easily be converted into mission and bite-sized projects for taking action today.
Some Facts
- Master Map class is a part of 2-day PQ Planning course
- Over 1,000 professionals have taken the PQ Planning course
- PQ Planning course has been only available in Korea. We are going to bring the full version next year.
dream, vision, and Mission
Discovering your dream, creating your vision
What’s your dream? What is it — how do you realize it? What’s the vision of your life? What do you want in life? Are you living purposefully or just drifting along?
Like many people, you may have some abstract, distant, and vague ideas about these questions and their possible answers. However, they’re meant to be explored, identified, and achieved, so that you can find balance, happiness, and success in your life.
This interactive, instructor-led training will help you identify and clarify what is driving you and why? You’ll then review major events and the path that have led you to where you are today. With the help of the mind mapping software MindMapper, you will map out a path that will lead you to what you ultimately want in life. This session is about diving deeper into yourself and finding out who you are and what you want with your life. Through this process, you will naturally learn how to generate ideas quickly, freely, and without interruption, by using the basic features of MindMapper.
Jump-start vision-focused life today! Sign up for this live, online course and design the life your want to live. Whether your primary focus is academics, business, or professional, this training provides the master plan you need to thrive in life and work.
Program time: 2.5 hours
Session 1: importance of personal vision in life
- Discover the importance and power of goal setting
- Recognize the importance of making a plan for your life
- Understand how happiness and success play a major role in determining your path
- Understand the basic operational functions of the MindMapper to easily navigate the course
Session 2: Dicovering your dreams
- Understand the time-tested basic rules of brainstorming
- Brainstorm and explore to discover your dreams
- Understand and review your dreams if they are balanced
Session 3: Young’s Vision Formula
- Find your vision and create a vision statement by following the vision formula
- Find your mission and create mission statement by following the vision formula
- Identify and list top values
- Outline major projects to be completed in order
- Input all elements into the master map template
- Develop annual and monthly plans
- Understand and review your master map
- Makes changes and update your map to reflect current reality
- Q&A and Close