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The Evolution of MindMapper


MindMapper was introduced to the world in 1998 as a computer mind mapping software based on the framework and benefits of mind mapping which naturally captures and reflects the way the human brain thinks. Since then, it has progressively evolved to accommodate today’s knowledge workers with the ability to problem-solve, communicate, brainstorm, learn, and manage information.

Some of the features that MindMapper brought to mind mapping software industry such as converting mind maps to MS Office documents and integrated Gantt chart for scheduling back in the year 2000 paved the way for the mind mapping software industry to establish itself as a legitimate business tool for everyday use.

Importantly, MindMapper is not just another productivity business tool used for meetings, flowcharting, planning, data gathering, presenting, or brainstorming. It is a visual thinking tool that facilitates creativity and holistic thinking, resulting in improved productivity, performance, and most importantly the process of thinking. As such, MindMapper can be viewed as a “thinking tool” in the current knowledge and information age that values above all creativity and innovation.

Furthermore, it is a mind processing tool. Mind processing is a holistic approach to achieving an objective by utilizing creative thinking, task management, and implementation with just one tool as opposed to a sequential approach where more than one tool is needed.


The more you use MindMapper, the more you think about new ideas and applying those ideas to your work. Your work eventually becomes less of a stress and more of an opportunity to express your hidden potential. Moreover, in the process of using MindMapper, you develop three common characteristics that smart workers possess: the ability to see the whole picture, creative thinking, and visualization.

MindMapper is a tool designed to accommodate change leading knowledge workers of today. It is the digital age’s all-in-one working tool to create ideas, organize information, and implement plans. Below are some key features of MindMapper.

  1. Maximizes synergistic effect of visual thinking and time management.
  2. Creates a proactive attitude toward solving problems and reaching goals.
  3. Facilitates holistic thinking that generates creativity and innovation.
  4. Online or on-premises collaboration improves communication and productivity
  5. Small or big tasks are viewed with project perspective as many projects can be connected, managed, and executed from one planner.
  6. Divergent and convergent mapping enables inductive and deductive thinking and whole-brain thinking.
  7. Helps realize the meaning and value of small tasks and flashing ideas have on the project as a whole which helps to decide your priority and focus.
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