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Quick Start Guide for Collaboration

Before your start, please make sure that you have the following:
  1. MindMapper 21 Arena edition and an internet connection
  2. A member account.  If you do not have an account, then you can create one from MM 21 Arena or the website.
      • From MM 21 Arena: Collaboration tab> Login> Register (you will be redirected to Login page)> click Register
      • From the web: Login on the top right> click Register
Creating a New Collaboration Workspace
  1. On the Collaboration tab, select the New menu.
  2. Provide a title for this collaboration session. It could be the file name or the more appropriate collaboration title. Should you need an extra level of security, you can set a password for the map. However, the participants must use the password to join.
  3. Select a map to upload. This is your collaboration map uploaded to our collaboration server to be shared with your invited participants. There are three ways to upload a map.
      • Current:  Select this option to upload a currently open map.
      • Choose:  You can search for a map from your local computer or the cloud to be uploaded.
      • Default:  A pre-built map will be uploaded for collaboration.
  1. Add participants to join your collaboration workspace. Click the Add/Edit button to add participants.  If the participants are not in the Contacts list, you can add them by clicking on the +Add Contact. Once they are in the Contacts list, you can add them to the Attendees list by clicking on the Add button.
  2. You can write a brief note or description about the collaboration for attendees to read in the Note for Attendees
  3. Click the OK button to complete creating a new collaboration.
  4. Click the OK button to send out the email collaboration invites.

Below shows creating a new collaboration workspace with a default map.

Collaboration Quick Start


Joining a Collaboration Workspace
  1. Click Join Collaboration from the email sent from the organizer.  Please check the spam folder for an email from MindMapper Arena if you cannot find it in the inbox.

Collaboration Invite Email


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