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I cannot find Save As PDF menu.
I just upgraded from 17 to 21, but I cannot find Save As PDF menu.
MindMapper 17 Arena, Pro, and Academic exported to PDF using Save As menu (File>Save As>PDF File> PDF).
However, in MindMapper 21 Arena, Pro, and Academic, the export to PDF menu has been moved to the ribbon menu for easier access (Home> Convert>PDF) and the Export (File>Export>PDF File>PDF) menu.
Home> Convert>PDF
File>Export>PDF File>PDF
Exporting to PDF by using Convert or Export menu uses PDF-XChange to turn a map file into a PDF file automatically. However, PDF-XChange should not be used as a PDF print option from the Print menu. If you want to use the print option, please select Microsoft Print to PDF as your printer instead of PDF-XChange. Selecting PDF-XChange from printer selection will create a watermark on your output.
File>Print>Print>Print> Select Microsoft Print to PDF
File>Print>Print Preview>Map> Print> Select Microsoft Print to PDF